This is a cmd script (.bat) to monitor and output x10 powerline commands seen by a
cm11a device. It requires the 6k command line tool phcom.exe to handle serial
port transactions -- the C phcom.exe source is available here:
I admit the .bat file is an ungodly hack... but it does work. Example of its output:
I've had this running on a server for six months now, logging all x10 activity in my house
to a file accessible from the web. The cm11a is connected to the server via a USB<->serial
dongle. Essentially I run, when my server boots:
The running .bat takes practically no cpu, since it's waiting for a byte to come in from the
serial port 99% of the time.
Over the months I've added a couple options that are enabled by specifying optional 2nd and 3rd
arguments (the 1st argument is required; it's the serial port number).
The 2nd argument specifies the name of a file that holds a 1-line list of the x10 devices that
are currently on. This file is continuously updated. I point this to a file on
a server RAM disk so it's quick to update. Also that volume is shared on my network, so
other computers can check what devices are on. An example of the contents of that file:
The 3rd argument specifies the name of a .bat file to be called every couple seconds.
If the 3rd arg is specified a 2-second timeout is used when reading data from the serial port.
When a timeout occurs, the 3rd arg .bat file is called. This allows something to be done every
couple seconds... what that is depends on your needs. The serial port is closed during the .bat
file call, which means communicating with the cm11a is permitted.
I use the 3rd argument to check my mailserver for remote commands. I have an x10 firecracker inline
with the cm11a (ie. sharing the serial port). My .bat file issues x10 commands via the firecracker,
if any are queued. This allows me, for instance, to send a text to my house phone number to turn on
my central heater.
Windows .bat to format x10 (x-10) cm11a output
[page last modified 2018-10-08]
C>phcm11a .
phcm11a Fri 02/09/2018
16:03 m8 m+On i8 i+On m12 m+Off m2 m+On
16:09 i8 i+Off o5 o+On o6 o+On o7 o+On o8 o+On
16:10 o1 o+On o2 o+On o3 o+On o4 o+On o+AllUnitsOff
start /min cmd /k "phcm11a . >>x10log.txt"
Each device code is followed by a period, and the list is terminated by a dummy entry of a pound sign
followed by a period. If no device is on the file contains only a pound sign followed by a period.
The house+unit codes are stored in the order their state last changed (not alphabetically). In
the example above, i8 was the last device to be turned on.
Change Log
Version 1.3 released 10/8/2018 Fixed bug causing immediate fatal exit if 2nd arg was unspecified.
Click here to download
Version 1.2 released 2/9/2018 Initial release.
Click here to download
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phcm11a 1.3: Display CM11A output. 10/8/2018 Loops forever echoing X10 addrs/funcs that come in from CM11A. 1st arg= port number 1-n, or . to use the highest COM port. {2nd arg}= text status file [1 line] of currently on devices {3rd arg}= .bat to call between CM11A polls [minimum once per 2 sec]