phdeldup.bat -- Delete duplicate files
This is a batch file to delete duplicate files matching a file/directory
specification. There are many tools to do this, but perhaps none so simple.
This was written as an exercise to see if deleting duplicate files could be
accomplished at the command line with a simple Windows .BAT file.
--- Freeware ---
[page last modified 2015-03-31]
Delete duplicate files matching filespec. 3/31/2015 The most recently modified file is kept. Hidden, System, Read-only and 0-length files are ignored. phdeldup . deletes duplicates in the current directory. phdeldup e:\*.jpg deletes duplicate jpegs in the root of e:.
Change Log
New version released 3/31/2015: Fixed bugs (causing slow execution) when deleting files in other than current directory.
Click here to download phdeldup.bat
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