This is a Windows program that echoes keyboard keystroke event info
to the console in hex as keys are pressed (and optionally released).
The info is echoed as a hex number whose bit fields are as follows:
By default only key downstrokes are echoed until an <Esc> is entered.
Options that can be added to the command line:
The * mode will return immediately upon the first event (which is not
echoed in hex). An example of its use:
The usefulness of * might be, via some .bat set /a arithmetic, to isolate
the scancode and check for user input of a special character (like a
function or arrow key).
The single Microsoft C source file phkev.c is included. Instructions
how to build it are within the source.
phkev.exe: echo windows keyboard events to console
[page last modified 2019-12-31]
Key Down (25)
Enhanced Key (24)
Caps Lock On (23)
Scroll Lock On (22)
Num Lock On (21)
Shift (20)
Left Ctrl (19)
Right Ctrl (18)
Left Alt (17)
Right Alt (16)
Translated Ascii (15..8)
Virtual Key Code (7..0)
phkev / include key release events
phkev * do not display event, return it as program exitcode
set errorlevel=& phkev *
echo %errorlevel%
Change Log
12/31/2019 Original release.
Click here to download
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